It’s nice to see you.
For all
For mums
Outdoor Bootcamp
Full body workout
Cardio & strength exercises
Every session different
Adapted to your fitness level
Sweat & smile guaranteed 🙂
CHF 20 (1h)
Postnatal training
Reinforces your pelvic floor
Restores your muscle strength
Contributes to weight-loss & flattening the belly
Makes you less tired by raising the energy level
Provides important mum-time! 🙂
CHF 375 (10x)
Personal Training
Focused on your goals
At the place of your choice (at home, outdoor)
Individualized training plan
Exercise variety
Learn to know your body
CHF 150 (1h) or CHF 1'290 (10x)
Baby Massage
Interaction: feeling loved, valued and respected
Stimulation of all body systems
Relief & relaxation, deeper sleep
Breaks parental loneliness
Reduces the incidence of maternal post-natal depression
CHF 280 (5 sessions)
For all
Outdoor Bootcamp
Full body workout
Cardio & strength exercises
Every session different
Adapted to your fitness level
Sweat & smile guaranteed 🙂
CHF 20 (1h)
Personal Training
Focused on your goals
At the place of your choice (at home, outdoor)
Individualized training plan
Exercise variety
Learn to know your body
CHF 150 (1h) or CHF 1'290 (10x)
For mums
Postnatal training
Reinforces your pelvic floor
Restores your muscle strength
Contributes to weight-loss & flattening the belly
Makes you less tired by raising the energy level
Provides important mum-time! 🙂
CHF 375 (10x)
Baby Massage
Interaction: feeling loved, valued and respected
Stimulation of all body systems
Relief & relaxation, deeper sleep
Breaks parental loneliness
Reduces the incidence of maternal post-natal depression
CHF 280 (5 sessions)

If you want to get fit, you need to give away only one thing. Your excuses. Just go. Getting out the door is always the hardest part.

Trainings in ZĂĽrich

Get moving
If you want to get fit, you need to give away only one thing. Your excuses. Just go. Getting out the door is always the hardest part.

Trainings in ZĂĽrich

About me
Hello, nice to meet you! I am Anna and my mission is to make you move and to empower young mums in their new role.
I teach in English, en Français oder auf Deutsch. I’m looking forward to meet you soon!

What do people say about my trainings?
I participated to Anna’s bootcamp several times now and am hooked to her courses! They are always intensive but fun at the same time. I love the fact to be training outside and with people that also want to have a good time. Saturday mornings are now a moment I am looking forward to. Thanks Anna!!
J’ai commencĂ© un peu par hasard. Après la première sĂ©ance, je n’ai pas pu m’assoir pendant 3 jours, ce qui m’a motivĂ©e Ă persĂ©vĂ©rer. Anna sait alterner les exercices pour que ce ne soit jamais ennuyeux et trouver les bons mots pour encourager.
Anna m’a redonnĂ© plaisir Ă faire du sport. Dans la bonne humeur avec des exercices simples accessibles Ă toutes , on a juste l’impression de passer un bon moment entre copines et le lendemain on sent quand mĂŞme que c’Ă©tait du sport… Ă€ conseiller encore et encore.
Guten Rutsch ins Wochenende ! Le sport en plein air en écoutant le chant des oiseaux et la bonne humeur d’Anna apporte une vraie bouffée d’air frais après une semaine de travail ! J’aime la grande variété d’exercices avec variantes pour plus de difficultés, les séances se suivent et ne se ressemblent pas. Merci.
Anna est une super coach qui s’adapte à tous les niveaux. L’ambiance est motivante et le fait de faire du sport en extérieur est top. Le cours est tellement motivant que je suis même venue quand il gelait.. Merci Anna!